JetKiss Design
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Switchblade Media came
to us with with great characters, a healthy and positive message and an original
concept for an educational Flash game. The goal of the project was to promote
calcium rich foods and healthy bone building activities to pre-teen kids.
They were looking for a group to program the ActionScript, create appropriate
sound effects, and to write music that was original and dynamic.
Having never seen a game this rich with detail and levels of action done
in Flash before we began by mapping and planning out all aspects of the playability.
From those basic outlines we created multiple demos of each kind of interaction
(character movement, searching locations, scrolling backgrounds). Those demos
helped us finalize every action and reaction in the entire game. We also
worked to create sound effects that were fun and cartoonish but that also
helped the player understand the environment of the game. The music went
through a number of revisions, each better than the previous, until finally hitting upon a
bright, funky, toe-tapping song.