Welcome to the Project Planner. This tool is here to help you plan your
project more efficiently and effectively. You'll be asked a number of questions,
some may seem a bit strange, covering contact information, to budget, to
features, to project goals.
After you've completed the questions, click the "Organize My Project" button
to send your information to us. The answers you provide will help us prepare
a very detailed proposal for your project. Any information you send us will
remain private and confidential, please read our Privacy
Policy if you have any questions or concerns.
Key Project Lead:
Physical Address:
1. How would you define this project: (check one)
marketing communications site (company/product info, etc.)
online venture
web-based game or entertainment site
community site
web-based application (tool or utility)
content-based publishing site
sales/e-commerce site
redesign of current site
adding features to current site
2. What features/services do you think you'll need: (check all that apply)
1 = Must Have
2 = Would Like
3 = Don't Want
3. What are your objectives for this project: (check all that apply)
Create a new marketing presence on the Internet.
Develop a strong online brand (or division or product).
Reposition an existing marketing presence on the Internet.
Internationalize a site or portion of a site.
Develop one-to-one marketing initiatives and relationships.
Explore and develop a Proof of Concept (a set of screens that simulate the
user interaction and navigation for a specific set of features) prior to committing
resources to full site development.
Provide extensive customer sales or support functions.
Provide detailed product or catalog-based information.
Establish personal contact with visitors and elicit feedback.
Develop or improve online experience or online consumer purchase experience.
Build a community for a particular affinity group (such as specific types
of customers or strategic partners).
Establish and maintain a technological edge over your competitors.
4. Do you have examples of other sites that you find appealing? If so, please
identify them and why they are attractive to you.
1. What is your estimated budget for site development: (choose one)
under 10k
10 - 25k
25 - 40k
40 - 60k
60 - 100k
over 100k
2. Do you have additional budgets allocated for:
1. What is your deadline for selecting a web vendor:
2. What is your estimate launch date:
Don't know what is feasible yet
3. Are there any external factors driving your launch date? (product launches,
industry shows, etc.)
1. Do you have your own server? (choose one)
Yes, we house our own internal server.
Yes, we currently use a hosting service.
No, but we intend to handle this ourselves.
No, and we could sure use your advice here.
2. What legacy systems or databases are currently in place?
3. Do you have target platforms or browsers?
1. What aspects of a vendor's performance are important to you? (capabilities,
work style, geographical location, size, reputation, status, etc.)
2. Are there other known details you would want to tell a prospective vendor?