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Network Solutions User Guides


Network Solutions was under a tight deadline to get their new and improved Account Manager online in less than three weeks. With all of the changes to the function and new interface, Network Solutions needed to have a detailed help system with accurate screen shots for novice and experienced users alike. While they had a HTML version for the Account Manager User Guide, the E-mail tool and the Build Your Web Site tool needed printable HTML user guides.


We created both user guide designs to have the same layout and used copy and color to distinguish them. The guides needed to be pixel perfect HTML versions of the Flash E-mail User Guide so we employed CSS and minimal graphics for the interface. We worked very closely with the client to make sure the copy and images were accurate and that the instructional message was clear. Over 85 pages and 171 images went into these guides, making them as thorough and helpful as possible.

Network Solutions Email User Guide

Network Solutions Close Up

Network Soutions Close Up

Network Solutions Close Up